Bluetooth Controlled Water Level Controller
IoT Based Battery Voltage Level Monitoring using TP-4056 and Thingspeak
IoT Based Temperature, Altitude and Pressure Monitor using BMP180 and Ubidots IoT Platform
IoT Based Object Angle measure using MPU 6050 and Blynk
IoT Based Air, Smoke and Gas Monitor using MQ2 and Thingspeak Platform
IoT Cloud Web Server Based Vibration Monitor and Email Notification using Vibration Sensor
IoT Cloud Web server Based Garbage Monitoring System(Optional Email, Mobile notification)
IoT Web Server Based Object Distance Meter using Ultrasonic sensor
IoT Cloud Smart Garbage Monitoring System with Email, SMS Notification
Pan Tilt Servo Control Using NodeMCU
Iot Cloud BH1750 LUX Monitor
IoT Smart Irrigation Monitoring and Control System
IoT Based DHT 11 Weather Monitor using MQTT