NodeMCU Interfaced Capacitive Touch (TTP224)
NodeMCU Interfaced Knocking Sensor KY-031
Hand Gesture Controlled 2WD using Accelerometer, RF(433 Mhz ), Decoder and Encoder
RF Encoder and Decoder Controlled 4 Channel Relay
RF Encoder and Decoder interface with Arduino
Web Server Based Metal Touch Detector
Arduino Based 4DOF Robotic Arm Control
JoyStick Controlled Relay Board
Pong Game using dot matrix display 8X8
Arduino Based Fire alarm using dot matrix display
RPM Measurement Using Optical Interrupter Switch
Web Server Based GPS Neo-6M
Web Server Based Wireless Video Streaming using ESP32 Camera
Pan Tilt Servo Control Using NodeMCU
IoT Based Home automation
IoT Based Internet Clock using Dot Matrix Display
IoT Based Notice Board Using Dot Matrix Display
IoT Based Motion Detector
IoT Controlled Wireless Notice Board
Iot Cloud BH1750 LUX Monitor